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Information on Public Records Requests & Form

Short Term Requests

When requests can be fulfilled within 30 minutes, there will be no cost for labor; the copy charge will be at the rate of .25 cents per copy, with a minimum charge of $1.

Long Term Requests

Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.311 to 192.478) allows the county to request a fee to pay for the cost of records. A fee based on the benefitted hours of staff may be charged after 30 minutes of time spent on research, summaries, or making copies. A 100% deposit is required. If you wish to review the materials with no copies made, you may be charged. If we use an outside resource to meet your public records request, the actual cost will be charged.


  • Photocopies: $0.25 per page, $1 minimum
  • Compact Disk or thumb drives: $25 per unit
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